What is wellness? It’s become trendy in mainstream media and normative white culture to define wellness through a narrow lens that is often not accessible to black and brown bodies.
Wellness is not always about expensive retreats in the wilderness, or going on a "Eat Pray Love" journey to find yourself. Wellness is about ensure that your day-to-day mental and emotional health are being supported through activities that are accessible for you.

It can be music. It can be movement. It can be poetry. It’s those cherished activities that generations of our families have been practicing long before a group of folks with money took notice. It’s stepping back sheltering yourself and taking whatever moment you can to settle into that safe space.
Wellness looks different for queer, trans and POC communities.
If you know Rad Fit, then you know that we are all about nourishing the wellness of queer, trans, POC folx. That’s why we're super excited to be providing a safe space for folx to explore wellness by hosting a Queer Wellness Fair on Sunday, May 19.
We’re looking for 12 vendors who identify as queer or trans to table at Radically Fit and share their services with the East Bay Community.
We’re excited to host vendors who offer services including:
Body services + care
Poetry, words + music
Food and beverages
Herbs and plants
Apparel + textiles
and more
While it is our goal to accommodate all queer and trans wellness vendors that are interested in vending, we will be prioritizing interest from QTPOC vendors that center the needs of queer and trans folx of color.
If you or someone you know might want to vend, please fill out our Queer Wellness Fair Vendor Interest Form.